Dutton Vocalion クラシックのSACDハイブリッド7タイトル発売 マルチチャンネル収録


Dutton VocalionからクラシックのSACDハイブリッドが7タイトル発売になる。いずれもマルチチャンネルを収録。




Arthur Sullivan: L’Ile Enchantee – Complete Ballet, Procession March, Day Dreams, The Sapphire Necklace – Overture


Arthur Sullivan: L’Ile Enchantee – Complete Ballet, Procession March, Day Dreams, The Sapphire Necklace – Overture
ジョン・アンドリュース (conductor) 、 BBCコンサート・オーケストラ

Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900)
L’île Enchantée – ballet in one act (1864) Music prepared and edited from the composer’s manuscript and original parts by Robin Gordon-Powell (2019)

Procession March (1863) Music prepared, reconstructed and edited by Robin Gordon-Powell (2019)

Day Dreams (1867) Orchestrated by Herman Finck (1934); arranged by Robin Gordon-Powell (2011)

The Sapphire Necklace – Overture (1863-64) Orchestrated by Robin Gordon-Powell (2020)


Alec Rowley: Piano Sonata No.1, No.2, Toccata – “The Two Worlds”, Canzonetta, and other works


Alec Rowley: Piano Sonata No.1, No.2, Toccata – “The Two Worlds”, Canzonetta, and other works

Alec Rowley (1892-1958)
Toccata – “The Two Worlds” (1934)

Piano Sonata No. 1 (Sonate pour piano) (1939)
Nocturne No. 1 in B minor (1932)
Nocturne No. 2 in D-flat (1932)
Seven Preludes (on all the intervals) (1930)
Canzonetta, Op. 50, No. 1 (1939)
Piano Sonata No. 2 in D (1949)


Richard Arnell: Concertino, Canzona and Capriccio, Divertimento No.1, Symphony for Strings, Divertimento Concertante


Richard Arnell: Concertino, Canzona and Capriccio, Divertimento No.1, Symphony for Strings, Divertimento Concertante
マーティン・イェーツ 、 イギリス室内管弦楽団 、 セルゲイ・レヴィチン 、 アレクセイ・キセリオフ 、 ヴィクトル・サンジョルジョ

Richard Arnell (1917-2009)
Concertino for piano and chamber orchestra, Op. 51 (1947)

Canzona and Capriccio [solo violin and strings], Op. 37 (1945)

Divertimento No. 1 for piano and chamber orchestra, Op. 5 (1939)

Symphony for Strings (1939)

Divertimento Concertante [solo cello and strings], Op. 90 (1961)


Benjamin Godard Vol.3 – Violin Concerto, En plein air – Suite de cinq morceaux, Scenes Ecossaises, Suite de trois morceaux, Trois morceaux


Benjamin Godard Vol.3 – Violin Concerto, En plein air – Suite de cinq morceaux, Scenes Ecossaises, Suite de trois morceaux, Trois morceaux
マーティン・イェーツ 、 BBCコンサート・オーケストラ 、 セルゲイ・レヴィチン 、 Christopher Cowie 、 アンナ・ノークス

Benjamin Godard (1849-1895)
Concerto for violin and orchestra, Op. 29 (ca. 1875) Orchestrated by Martin Yates (2021)

Scènes écossaises for oboe and orchestra, Op. 138 (1892)

Suite de trois morceaux for flute and orchestra, Op. 116 (ca. 1889)

Trois morceaux for orchestra, Op. 27 (ca. 1875)


York Bowen: Miniature Suite, Burlesque, Debutante; Susan Spain-Dunk: Rhapsody Quintet; Gordon Jacob: Swansea Town; Karl Jenkins: Chums!; J.B.McEwen: Under Northern Skies; Gustav Holst: Wind Quintet in A-flat


York Bowen: Miniature Suite, Burlesque, Debutante; Susan Spain-Dunk: Rhapsody Quintet; Gordon Jacob: Swansea Town; Karl Jenkins: Chums!; J.B.McEwen: Under Northern Skies; Gustav Holst: Wind Quintet in A-flat
Camarilla Ensemble

York Bowen (1884-1961)
Miniature Suite, Op. 113 for flute, oboe, two clarinets and bassoon (1944)

Susan Spain-Dunk (1880-1962)
Rhapsody Quintet (ca. 1920) Edited by Peter Cigleris (2021)

Gordon Jacob (1895-1984)
Swansea Town, for wind quintet (1973)

Karl Jenkins (b. 1944)
Chums! for wind quintet (2004)

John Blackwood McEwen (1868-1948)
Under Northern Skies (1939) Edited by Peter Cigleris (2021)

York Bowen (1884-1961)
Burlesque (1956)

Debutante (1956)

Gustav Holst (1874-1934)
Wind Quintet in A-flat, Op. 14 (1903)


Henry Walford Davies: Quintet in G major; Alfred M Wall: Quartet for piano and strings; Susan Spain-Dunk: Piano Quartet


Henry Walford Davies: Quintet in G major; Alfred M Wall: Quartet for piano and strings; Susan Spain-Dunk: Piano Quartet
リン・アーノルド 、 ティペット弦楽四重奏団

Henry Walford Davies (1869-1941)
Quintet in G major for piano and string quartet, Op. 54 (1927 rev 1940)

Alfred M Wall (1875-1936)
Quartet for piano and strings in C minor (1920)

Susan Spain-Dunk (1880-1962)
Piano Quartet (ca. 1920) Edited by Peter Cigleris (2021)


Paul Lacombe Vol.2 – Piano Quartet in C minor, Cello Sonata in A major, Violin Sonata No.3 in G major


Paul Lacombe Vol.2 – Piano Quartet in C minor, Cello Sonata in A major, Violin Sonata No.3 in G major
ヴィクトル・サンジョルジョ 、 セルゲイ・レヴィチン 、 レイチェル・ロバーツ (Viola) 、 ジョセフィン・ナイト

Paul Lacombe (1837-1927)
Piano Quartet in C minor, Op. 101 (1904)

Cello Sonata in A major, Op. 100 (1900)

Violin Sonata No. 3 in G major, Op. 98 (1899)
